Mission Statement:

The Mount Zion Baptist Church Deacons minister to the congregation in spiritual care. The Board of Deaconesses and Deacons shall assist the Pastor in developing the spiritual life of the church. The Board shall in every way assist the Pastor in His or Her work; cooperate with him or her providing the pulpit supply and leaders of the prayer meeting.

Goals and Objectives:

To provide stability and change, to assist the congregation in its healing during the absence of a Senior Pastor. Leading the church through and during the great Pandemic, and COVID 19 and assists in providing a safe environment during church worship service.


Perform duties outlined in Acts Chapter 6: V. 1-8, Timothy Chapter 3, V. 8-13. Prepare the pulpit for service each Sunday. Administer the communion on First Sunday of the month at the sanctuary entrance with COVID 19 protocols in place.

Deacon and Deaconesses shall fulfill their responsibilities in the Ordinance of baptism by preparing new
candidates for baptism. New member classes are conducted prior to the right hand of fellowship. During
COVID 19, repast has been suspended until a comfort level is achieved that repast to the family members and friends can occur safely.

Diaconate Officers in Service:
Chair: Deacon John A. Capps
First Vice-Chair: Deacon Melvin Harris
Second Vice-Chair: Deacon Lawrence Adeyemi
Secretary: Deacon Michael Twiggs
Corresponding Secretary: Deacon Karita Randall-Gort
Charity Ministry: Deacon Ricky Cotton
Treasurer: Deacon Dwight Randolph

Deacons call and send cards, run errands, and go shopping to assit members

in need. During COVID 19 this has been a challenge. Deacons Al and Dorothy Mungin has been faithful
during this Pandemic to their calling in service. Many other Diaconate members assist with calling and
checking on the congregation and reports are made in the monthly Diaconate Meetings.The Diaconate and Trustees worked together to clean the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Foyer, Parlor and
Church Offices. The Sanctuary Cushions were all cleaned and sanitized. The Sanctuary was Hydrostatic-
cally Sprayed with Germ killer for air purification. The  Diaconate assisted with the vaccination projects at First AME Church that resulted in the vaccinations of thousands in our community.


The Diaconate assisted Rev. R. Marthel Barlow with his vision in missions work for God’s Groceries
every third Friday. Mount Zion provided Prayer, Food and Resources. Additionally, the Diaconate
assisted with meals on Tuesday and Friday at the church entrance.

The Diaconate assisted in the Christmas Gathering led by Rev. Dr. Patricia Hunter and Music Director
Phyllis P. Byrdwell. Many comments were received on how much joy it gave to us all. Assisted with the Leadership Team Harvest Festival held on November 13th. There was Fellowship, Great Food, Games and Prizes, Fun and Dancing with the music. The Diaconate assisted where needed.