Reverend Ronald Wayne Burroughs Jr.

Welcome, Reverend Ronald Wayne Burroughs Jr.
Reverend Ronald Wayne Burroughs Jr. –
Born and raised in Bloomfield Connecticut, Ronald Burroughs Jr. is a faith, purpose, and values driven minister of God’s Gospel, who loves life, is an eternal optimist, and enjoys helping others find joy in their life journey.
After earning his degree at Morehouse College in Atlanta Georgia, Ron ventured West to Seattle Washington after receiving an offer from Boeing, with whom he had interned throughout his matriculation at Morehouse. Once here, he furthered his education and received a Master’s degree in management and marketing from Seattle University.
It was during this time, that Ron received his true calling, under the mentorship and Pastoral guidance of Doctor Robert L. Manaway, at Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church. Embracing his role in ministry, Ron served Tabernacle as the Adult Bible Study Teacher for 9 years, under the tutelage of Dr. Manaway. During this time period, Ron also launched a ministry and workshop entitled Hip Hop Unwrapped, that brought parents and children together to watch top Hip Hop Videos, explore the lyrics, and jointly discuss the impact of the music on the minds and culture of our youth. This ministry had its launch event at Mt. Zion Church in Seattle Washington.
Post ordination in 2008, Ron’s journey led him to New Life Church, where he served as a teaching pastor, under the guidance of Pastor Troy Jones. Yet, the call of home was strong, and in 2023, Ron and his family returned to his roots at Tabernacle, to continue ministry and service.
Ron’s personal and professional life has also been richly blessed by God. Personally, he shares his life with his beautiful wife Tonish Burroughs, who serves as the new membership leader at Tabernacle. Together, they share 5 beautiful children, and as a couple, are pursuing their collective calling to launch “Love’s Lost and Found” ministry, that is intended to serve and enrich the lives of couples across the world. In the community, Ron served as the president of the Benson Bruins Youth Football and Cheer Program in Renton Washington, where he just stepped down after 9 years of service. Professionally, Ron currently serves as a Sr. Portfolio Manager at Microsoft, where he has worked for 16 of the last 18 years, with the other two years providing him with an opportunity to strategically consult with Facebook.
In the spirit of 1 Peter 4:10, Ron is extremely excited about the next steps of his journey, as he continues to watch how God uses his teaching ministry, professional career, and community engagement to serve God’s people, and further the evangelism of the Gospel.

EuGene Lewis

EuGene Lewis has been leading people to Christ since the age of twelve and has been in

pastoral ministry since 1984. He served as associate pastor of Oakwood University Church in Huntsville, Alabama for two years and Senior Pastor of Spokane East Central and Pasco Ephesus churches (district) for six years. Presently, Pastor Lewis has served as Senior Pastor of Emerald City Community Seventh-day Adventist Church since 1994.


Pastor Lewis is a native of Omaha, Nebraska. His professional career started out as a guard for the United States Airforce Basketball team. After four championships, four scoring titles, and nine years of service he separated from the USAF. Upon separation, he studied at Oakwood University receiving a bachelor’s degree in theology and Andrew University, where he earned a Master in Pastoral Ministry.


An effective communicator of God’s Word, Pastor Lewis is widely known for his practical and dynamic teaching style which helps people apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives.


He and his wife, Johnnette (Pye), have been married since 1977. They are the proud parents of two adult children and one grandson, EuGene JM, Alexander, and Brandon.


Rev. Dr. Patricia L. Hunter

Reverend Dr. Patricia L. Hunter


Milestones in 40 years of Ministry

Rev. Dr. Patricia L. Hunter



Master of Divinity, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Rochester, NY

Ordained to ministry by Mount Zion Baptist Church, Seattle, WA June 7, 1981

Called as Assistant Pastor to Dr. Samuel B. McKinney

Vacation Bible School Director, attendance of over 120 children

Ministry with survivors of sexual and domestic violence, Board member, Center for the    Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence

Director of Women in Ministry for the American Baptist Churches, USA



Field Representative with the Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board, ABCUSA

Doctor of Ministry, Saint Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, MO; Dissertation title: Womanist Theology, Womanist Thought: Effective Tools for Evangelism and Discipleship



Adjunct Professor, Seattle University, Black Church History and Womanist Theology

Adjunct Professor, Pacific Lutheran University, Womanist Theology

Faith and Values Columnist for the Seattle Times

Earned designation as CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERä professional

National Financial Planning Ministry with clergy and church staffs



Adjunct Professor, Seattle University- God and Money

Minister of Outreach and Education at Seattle First Baptist Church

Director of Financial Wellness Programs, Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board (MMBB)

Retired after 33 years from MMBB

Interim Minister of Worship, Mount Zion Baptist Church, Seattle, WA

Seattle Community Police Commission- Commissioner


Bible Study


Saturday School
Adult Men
Joel Hobbs, Sr


Sunday School
Georgia S McDade



Sunday School
3rd – 5th Grades
Karen Jackson



Sunday School
6th – 12th Grades
William Jackson








Dear Ministry Leaders,

Please assist with notifying the congregation that all scheduled meetings, have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To help maintain our daily operations, you are encouraged to give online or mail your tithes and offering envelope to the church office. Please remain prayerful for our sick and vulnerable members.



Apply for the 2020 Mount Zion Scholarship

Women’s Ministry Celebrations in March

Calling All Men! Invitation to join the Mount Zion Men’s Ministry.

Goal: The Men’s Ministry, while supporting other ministries, will identify specific underserved areas in which we can help. By living a good Christian life of service, others can see the Jesus in us. The Mount Zion Men’s Ministry seeks to be of service.

All men are invited to add your name to any area in which you have expertise and would like to serve.

  • The 2018 Inaugural Breakfast for the Men’s Ministry will be held on February 10th at 7:30 a.m. in the Jessie L. Shields Fellowship Hall. Civil rights activist and radio talk show host for Urban Forum Northwest, Eddie Rye, Jr. will be our inspiring speaker. Invite your friends. Get involved!!! The cost is $6. More information:
  • Please join us in the Parlor on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. for the Men’s Bible Study, Rev. Paul Edwards, Instructor and Acting Minister of the Men’s Ministry. We will continue in the book of Genesis. We will complete our study of the Tower of Babel and begin looking at the life of Abraham, the father of our faith.
  • The Brotherhood Chorus under the direction of Brother Kent Stevenson rehearses every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. in the Choir Room. The Chorus sings on the first Sunday at 7:30 a.m.
  • Team Issachar, a mentoring program for male youth, meets every Saturday in Room 116 from 9:00 until 11:00 a.m.
Matthew 25:35-40

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘LORD, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

God calls us to be good stewards of our gifts. To that end, this document borrows from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Covey’s principle number 1 is “Be Proactive,” and number 2 is to “Start with the end in mind.” The end goal of the Men’s Ministry is Leading Through Faith and Christian Service.

Contact: Deacon Joel Hobbs or Brother William Jackson (206) 618-6530 or email INFO@FREELITERACY.NET
Deacon Wallace Johnson, Brother Dennis Carlisle, Brother Harry Bailey, Brother Kenneth Archie,
Brother Anthony Hopkins, Brother Wally Webster, Brother Glenn Pennington, Brother James Mason
and Brother Sam Bell will be more than willing to answer any questions you might have.

Mount Zion Baptist Church Designated a Historical Seattle Landmark

On October 18, 2017, the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board voted UNANIMOUSLY to approve the designation of Mount Zion Baptist Church a Seattle Landmark. The designation is based upon satisfaction of six Designation Standards (SMC 25.12.350). Mount Zion Baptist Church joins only three other Seattle Landmarks that have met all six standards: the Space Needle, the Science Center, and Key Arena.

The features and characteristics of the property identified for preservation include: the site; the exteriors of the church building, educational unit, the Gideon Bell Tower, the interior of the sanctuary, the James Washington, Jr. sculpture “Oracle of Truth” and exempts all elements of the building and site that are liturgical in nature.

Mount Zion Baptist Church was organized in 1890, thirty-eight years after the establishment of Seattle as a city, ten years before the beginning of the 20th Century, and a year after Washington territory became one of the United States. We thank God for the small group of African American Christians, who migrated to Seattle from the south in search of better opportunities and a better life for their families. It is on their legacy of faith we must continue to build. Reverend Dr. W. D. Carter, the pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church (1912 – 1925) and the congregation purchased the land and hired African American architects Harry and E. R. James to build the first church at the 19th Avenue location. Pastor Carter was a compassionate man who became active in the social and civic affairs of Seattle speaking out on behalf of the young people. The Boys and Young Men’s Community Club of Mount Zion Baptist Church was under his direct management. The youth benefited both socially and spiritually.

Mrs. Corrine Carter was equally as busy with African American girls and young women. She was a trained Y.W.C.A. Executive. She used her gifts and talents to organize the first Negro Branch of the Y.W.C.A. in Seattle. It was named the Phillis Wheatley Branch.

Years later, in 1958, the Reverend Dr. Samuel B. McKinney became pastor. Under his leadership, an educational wing was built in 1962 and the current church in 1975. The church has a unique Afrocentric structure that expresses the history of African and African- American faiths. African Heritage is seen in the structural design, from within and without the church. Each element of the design and structure of the church was carefully

orchestrated by the Reverend Dr. Samuel B. McKinney in conjunction with the Architectural Firm of Durham, Anderson, and Freed.